I'm slowly starting to publish posts to the blog about things other than Zazzle sales.
That been said I'd like to share these Black and White sixties style canvas paintings with you, as you can probably tell they are inspired by the iconic sixties british model Twiggy.
They currently hang across a large wall above one of the sofa's in my lounge and are 60cm x 75cm in size and painted with acrylic paint.
I got the image onto the canvas using the age old grid method, basically drawing a grid over a print out of the image and transferring the grid to the canvas. Saying that with the more recent paintings I've done (I'll post those later) I managed to get hold of an old overhead projector from the school that my partner teaches at and simply printed the image onto a transparency and projected it onto the canvas.

I also sell my original canvases and can produce them in smaller and larger sizes on request, so if anyone is interested in buying one just let me know. Additionally if you have a bespoke image in mind I'm happy to take on commissions.